Sunday, June 26, 2011

The project with no deadline.

Even most of the critical situations,whether related to our personal or professional lives,certainly have  one solution atleast,as portrayed by life coaches,certainly for barricading the people from commiting suicide.As I've experienced,sometimes life leaves you with a soution which is not applicable in real time or with no solution at all.Now you have to decide,whether you want to commit suicide or to keep a eye,in what you've been put  until everything starts working fine.
Now start looking outward rather than inward.Situation has been changed.Also players have been changed.Things are turning sort of sarcastic.Have you ever paid attention at the boofheads(Directly you can refer them as politicians),what they are doing outside there,in Parliament outside your province,in capital your province outside the borders of your district/village/land.Well,they are playing a game which has no time constraint or rule.
In language of Software Engineering they are working on a project which doesn't supposed to have a deadline,although it is wriien as five years in Requirement Analysis document of Democracy .The requirements of client(Common people) are heard always at the begining of project but never empathized.From a developer(Clerk) to CEO(Prime Minister) are working on different tasks but with same attitude(Do it in a way that requirements must naver be fulfilled with all the resources consumed in developing their personal projects first).Client is innocent.He/She always comes under the influence of verbal sugartreat given by development organizations.But what to do with democratic client.He/She is as unlucky as having only two or three options in his/her bag.Client is poor,helpless(Everybody should be agree) and fool(though it is not so obvious ).He/She used to give all the resources and power in the hands of development body in the begining of project itself with very little left over his/her hand.He/She can't do anything in middle of so called development work being carried on(They always used to say that they are handling it quiet carefully and always used to deny the possibility of bugs after the occurrance of each and every bug).
This is a project in which whole hierarchy(Developer-CEO) is happy because requirements of client are implicit ignored all the time and organization is in profit always.
This is a project in which there are rarest chances of escalation from client side.
This is a project in which there would never be a recession.You would always be getting higher in comparison of what are you getting today.
This is a project in which there is no service agreement.Feel free to change organization(Party) if you are getting more in other.No trial nothing,though skills are always required and subject to change(Speaking lie,Supporting criminals,Helping people in preparing them for riots).
Most efficient developers,Project Managers,Vice Presidents and specialist in different skills(As Mentioned above) go on bench(To jail) time to time,only for taking some rest to release the tiresomeness of their daily hectic schedules.
This is the project in which everthing goes fine in the end miraculously after thousand of hurdles.
This is the project which has given to developers hundreds of time but never completed.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Enigma....Is it worth considering?

The simplest questions related to life seem to most difficult to answer. Sometimes these questions stuck somewhere between what you always wanted to possess  and in what you have been put.This dilemma  is common to most of us in our respective daily lives.Not more then one year back I used to call life a troublesome cup to take in.I have faced the events and situations in my life which came about without premeditation and moved me to an intolerable degree of sentimentality.God doesn't seemed me so gracious on me.It appeared that I've been pushed away hundred miles away in comparison of where I supposed to be.

On a pleasent day of  spring I came outside my doorsteps only to judge the comparative ability of my clothes to be intact in rain.Suddenly I found a strange relation between fresh raindrop and my life.Both were flowing randomly with external factors and obstacles.Body seemed to be fill with a new energy.I felt that my mind was unfolded to new horizons by little droplets.

I was forced to think,"why not play life like a game.Why to pay attention at how and why things are happening".When outcomes are uncertained for each and every human being why we should pay attention at internal particulars of life,why not to relish the the joys leaving all the sorrows aside.
Why not to take a particular event as simple as just like a simple consequence rather than categorising it in good or bad.Actually nothing is good or bad until or unless it is assumed to be.

Seems like these practices are easy to describe most difficult to follow.Yes these are.And I am following the most difficult ones,in point of fact these are simpler to follow in comparison to understand the enigma of life.