Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I love Schindler's list because it is drenched in blood!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I saw Schindler's List,and i suddenly immerged in wow  factor.This was the best movie I have ever seen in my life.I really cried the show man.......that was a pathetic blow at the face of humanity.
Central character is a Nazi named Oskar Schindler who suddenly becomes a saviour for more than thousand  Polish-Jewish refugees during second world war  by employing them in his factories.At the ground this movie raises that old question-"Are Jewish people the most unfortunate people on earth".The movie has been directed by Steven Spielberg and is based on a famous novel named Schindler's Ark.
This movie is a masterpiece of Steven Spielberg, or you can say best movie ever directed by honorary director.I can bet you would not be unconscious about the piteous and misfortunate condition of jews and would not be left without discussing this whole drama with your colleagues serving your duty as a social
creature.......Surely I can bet upon it.even I would have been sold a bucks of movie tickets to my freinds
to prove myself if this flick would have been released in current scenario.
Except two or three scenes whole movie is shot in black and white background.The flick shows a bitterly illegal gory war which germans faught against Jews and picturizes the unbearable apathy on the face of a German who smiled a dozen f**ks on the death of  a single Jew.
Jews were treated like those packs of hens with demolished fins who have to die at any cost either under the cages or to be stewed for a feast. This three hour long documentary vividly creates a dark arena which brilliantly picturizes a perfect combination of frightening scenes which go to the hights of miserability with perfect selection of matter-of-fact music and jaw dropping performances by Liam Neeson( Oskar Schindler),Ben Kingsley(  Itzhak Stern),Ralph Fiennes( Amon Göth).

After seeing this movie my mind was full of questions-
Why nazis hated Jews so much?
Why Hitler ordered massacre of Jews to such a extent?

I tried to search the answers of similar questions but was not able to find the satisfactory answer of even a single question.
Whoever would be interested in giving  clear answers to my questions can answer me at ankittripathi.pccs@yahoo.com

Saturday, January 8, 2011

India is great...............

Wow!What to say about this??????A tyranny of dead!The universe of discourse is almost touching 17.5% of world's inhabitants in India and with no shame!That's India is a country plagued by poverty primarily caused by overpopulation. Inhabited by over 1.15 billion people, with 27% population under the poverty line. A majority of the poor population is
unemployed, starving, and is being forced to beg on the streets to make ends meet.
According to a study India has India has Eight Crore Ninety Six Lakhs Eighteen Thousand (8, 96 18,000) registered vehicles in the country as on 31st March,2006.It seems that if people in India have to piss of only,they might be using a bike.
In metros condition is dangerous,There are bucks of car on the road with not more than  single person in a car.When I see  frustrated parade of vehicles on the roads of bangalore,seems that they are like those craunching stags who are pushing each other in race of saving themselves from a pack of hounds.In the case of traffic situation my experience with bangalore is worst.I used to think sometimes that on the papers India is grooming and growing so well that no time is left to show the world,"India is one of the great powers in world." .But condition is just reverse.India is just moving towards a never ending curse of debt roundabout and traffic congestion.MNCs consider Indians just like  feeling less puppets diminishing their open thought environment on the verge of,"Guys,Come On,We have to complete the project under 3 days at any cost".This is far apart from a cool development environment(like Facebook) which can be created by  a bunch of Indians and  has equal opportunity for each and every member to grow and spread their wings.   
Even after that fundamentalists in India are so intimate about the bright future of India.....Whatta a joke.........against this scenario every industrial growth would be a tiny child.Really this is a fact!!!!!!!!!!